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Minimal - The Big Book Of Minimalism

Издательство - Page One

Minimal - The Big Book Of Minimalism

Издательство - Page One
24300 драм
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The starkness of architecture is presented here is suggested by the title: Minimal The Big Book of Minimalism. In it we bring together a series of projects by renowned architects and interior designers from around the world. This compendium is intended to promote the minimalist trend, which is prevails today. The Big Book of Minimalism brings together the best examples of minimalist construction and design from the past five years, all of which were created by the most prestigious architects and designers. The projects are classified in three large groups: homes, offices and public buildings, and commercial spaces. Also, a chapter is dedicated to current minimalist products, focusing on all types of furniture, accessories, lighting and technology. Architects and interior designers describe each project, starting with a summary that brings out the most important characteristics of design and architecture.The book is prefaced by Alberto T. Estevez, an architect, designer and art historian, offering his personal vision about the past, present, and future of minimalism. It contains 600 pages of interior design, architecture, and industrial design, illustrated and graphically documented for the readers enjoyment.
Page One
2998 грамм

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