Պատվիրի՛ր գրքեր, ստացի՛ր արագ առաքում: Պատվիրիր զանգ հիմա

Sinatra: Behind the Legend

Հրատարակչություն - Pan Macmillan

Sinatra: Behind the Legend

Հրատարակչություն - Pan Macmillan
3600 դրամ
Կտեղեկացնենք առկա լինելու դեպքում
In this freshly revised edition of his classic biography, bestselling author J Randy Taraborrelli takes Frank Sinatra's vast audience where it has never been before: deep inside the private life and affairs of this complex, emotional man. The reality of the Sinatra story is all here - rife with sex, danger, inspiration and show-business politics. The author provides astonishing details of Sinatra's many tempestious romances, including those with with Ava Gardner, Mia Farrow, Juliet Prowse and Marilyn Monroe. The reader will learn about his romantic, platonic, and at times even volatile relationship with Elizabeth Taylor; the sad and touching story of Sinatra's relationship with Nancy Reagan; the long-term feud between Frank and his daughter Nancy and how his loss of memory in his final years affected his performance. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with Sinatra's closest friends and associates, and on scores of legal documents, the author explains Frank Sinatra's often tortured but always rewarding life and career in a balanced, informed and honest manner.
Pan Macmillan
424 գրամ

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