The most up-to-date and comprehensive paperback dictionary of economics available. This fully up-to-date edition provides comprehensive definitions of over 2,500 economic terms. Covering all aspects of economic theory, from microeconomics to public finance and international trade, organizations, and institutions. Clear and jargon-free definitions provide an indispensable source of reference for school and university students of economics and related fields, as well as for anyone who comes into contact with the vocabulary of economics. Up-to-date entries on topics such as e-commerce and the Euro have been added. Mathematical and statistical terms widely used in economics, as well as words from related areas such as business and finance, are widely covered. The first edition of this dictionary was 'strongly recommended' by the Times Higher Educational Supplement and this edition continues to provide accurate and wide-ranging coverage of economic terms.
Պատվիրի՛ր գրքեր և ստացիր արագ առաքում աշխարհի ցանկացած կետում:
Ավելի մանրամասն առաքման պայմանների և վճարման տարբերակների մասին տե՛ս այստեղ: