Oliver Twist is one of Charles Dickens' most famous books. There are many films and cartoons based on the story Oliver's, 'Please, sir, I want some more,' is famous around the world. The story itself takes place in London at a time of great poverty. Charles Dickens uses his own expe-riences as a young child to show a world of crime and cruelty. Oliver is a character who is very close in personality to young Charles Dickens. He is poor, hungry, and helpless but he tries to be good and suceed in life. In most of Charles Dickens' books, there are good and bad people and each story has a moral. In Oliver Twist, good is greater than evil and all the good people live happily ever after.
Պատվիրի՛ր գրքեր և ստացիր արագ առաքում աշխարհի ցանկացած կետում:
Ավելի մանրամասն առաքման պայմանների և վճարման տարբերակների մասին տե՛ս այստեղ: