First published in 1996, The Eyes of the Skin has become a classic of architectural theory. For every new intake of students studying Pallasmaa s classic text, The Eyes of the Skin provides a totally fresh understanding of architecture and a new set of insights. This third edition is intended to meet students desire for a further understanding of the context of Pallasmaa s thinking by providing a new essay by architectural author and educator Peter MacKeith. This text combines both a biographical portrait of Pallasmaa and an outline of his architectural thinking. The new edition will includes a new preface by the internationally renowned architect Steven Holl and a revised introduction by Pallasmaa himself.
Պատվիրի՛ր գրքեր և ստացիր արագ առաքում աշխարհի ցանկացած կետում:
Ավելի մանրամասն առաքման պայմանների և վճարման տարբերակների մասին տե՛ս այստեղ: