Պատվիրի՛ր գրքեր, ստացի՛ր արագ առաքում: Պատվիրիր զանգ հիմա

English Graphic

Հրատարակչություն - Frances Lincoln

English Graphic

Հրատարակչություն - Frances Lincoln
6900 դրամ
Կտեղեկացնենք առկա լինելու դեպքում
English Graphic is a book of essays on the subject of illustration, with the focus entirely on English artists using graphic media; drawings, prints and watercolours. The pieces are largely drawn from Tom Lubbock's weekly Great Works column for the Independent, with some longer pieces originally published as reviews or catalogue essays. The historical span of the book is broad - from the Uffington White Horse to the Winchester Psalter Hellmouth to Harry Beck's London Underground Map and beyond. The high point of English Graphic art in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century makes up the heart of the book, with Fuseli, Blake, Bewick and Palmer all the subject of extended essays. The fifty or so images range from the visionary to the empirical, from folk art to caricature. Connecting and overlapping ideas on line and shape run through the book; maps, islands, clouds, swarms, wombs, skins, dots, contours and boundaries. Energetic, coherent and strange, English Graphic presents an electrical storm of ideas and illuminations provocatively argued by one of our most brilliant writers on art.
Frances Lincoln
794 գրամ

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