
Why Vegan?

Peter Singer

4100 AMD

Ain't I A Woman?

Sojourner Truth

4300 AMD

The Power of Words

Simone Weil

4300 AMD

God is Dead. God Remains Dead. And We Ha

Friedrich Nietsche

4400 AMD

Giovannis Room

James Baldwin

4500 AMD

The cossacks and Hadji Murat

Leo Tolstoy

4500 AMD

Mansfield Park

Jane Austen

4600 AMD

The Big Sleep

Raymond Chandler

4600 AMD

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

4600 AMD

The Freedom to Be Free

Hannah Arendt

4600 AMD


Jane Austen

4700 AMD

Inside Charlie's Chocolate Factory

Lucy Mangan, Roald Dahl

4700 AMD


Virginia Woolf

4700 AMD

Candide or Optimism

Francois Voltaire

4800 AMD

Eichmann and the Holocaust

Hannah Arendt

4800 AMD

Who Rules the World

Noam Chomsky

4800 AMD