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Children's Classics Collection

Lewis Carroll

14600 AMD

The Life & Works of Monet

Susie Hodge

13400 AMD

The Complete Alice

Lewis Carroll

13000 AMD

Secrets of the Universe in 100 Symbols

Sarah Bartlett

12600 AMD

The Secret History of Twin Peaks

Mark Frost

12400 AMD

What Happened To You?

Oprah Winfrey

11800 AMD

Alone With You In The Ether

Olivie Blake

11200 AMD

To Paradise

Hanya Yanagihara

10500 AMD


Sarah Harvey

10100 AMD

Detective Dog Pb

Julia Donaldson

9800 AMD

The Passenger

Cormac McCarthy

9100 AMD

The Atlas Six

Olivie Blake

9100 AMD

Stella Maris

Cormac McCarthy

8600 AMD


Roberto Bolano

8400 AMD

David Copperfield

Charles Dickens

8300 AMD

The Pickwick Papers

Charles Dickens

8200 AMD

The Gruffalo

Julia Donaldson

8200 AMD

Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes

8100 AMD


George Eliot

7900 AMD

The Woman In White

Wilkie Collins

7700 AMD