
Breakfast at Tiffany's

Truman Capote

3600 AMD

A Clockwork Orange

Anthony Burgess

3400 AMD

Absalom, Absalom!

William Faulkner

3100 AMD

Beautiful & the Damned

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

3800 AMD

Travels With My Aunt

Graham Greene

3800 AMD

Wide Sargasso Sea

Jean Rhys

2700 AMD

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury

3200 AMD

Lord of the Flies

William Golding

4200 AMD

Across the River and into the Trees

Ernest Hemingway

3400 AMD

Семья Мускат

Isaac Bashevis Singer

5000 AMD

Diary of A Nobody

George Grossmith

3800 AMD

Revolutionary Road

Richard Yates

3800 AMD

Good Soldier

Ford Madox Ford

2900 AMD

To Kill a Mockingbird

Harper Lee

4100 AMD