Պատվիրի՛ր գրքեր, ստացի՛ր արագ առաքում: Պատվիրիր զանգ հիմա

Art of Reading Minds

Հրատարակչություն - Yellow Kite

Art of Reading Minds

Հրատարակչություն - Yellow Kite
4600 դրամ
Կտեղեկացնենք առկա լինելու դեպքում
Learning to mind read isn't as out there as it may sound. In every interaction we have, we give away a range of non-verbal signals, often more powerful than the words we say. The Art of Reading Minds teaches you how to influence others, bringing them round to your way of thinking. Rooted in cognitive psychology, Henrik Fexeus explains how readers can find out what another person feels - and consequently control that individual's thoughts and beliefs. Short, snappy chapters cover subjects like: Contradictory signs and what they mean How you flirt with people without even knowing it Methods of suggestion and undetectable influence How to plant and trigger emotional states Fexeus offers practical tips to master the art of persuasion, which will boost your confidence both in personal and professional settings. Simple exercises throughout the book will heighten your self-awareness, revealing how you are perceived by others. Whether you want to get a promotion, negotiate a pay rise, network like a pro, find romance or spot when someone is lying, The Art of Reading Minds shows you how to uncover what people are really saying.
Yellow Kite
310 գրամ

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