In Animation Sketchbooks, fifty of the leading contemporary talents working in independent animation offer a glimpse into their private sketchbooks. During the conceptual stages of their projects, these groundbreaking and award-winning artists employ a variety of mediums to exercise their creativity, including pencil, paint, collage, puppetry, and photography. Each artist shares a selection of their craft along with personal insights into their influences and the artistic processes behind their unique sketches, character studies, storyboards, and doodles. The range of visions and techniques on display provide endless inspiration and allow a rare insight into the scope of the animator's art.
Պատվիրի՛ր գրքեր և ստացիր արագ առաքում աշխարհի ցանկացած կետում:
Ավելի մանրամասն առաքման պայմանների և վճարման տարբերակների մասին տե՛ս այստեղ: