
Designing Brand Identity

Alina Wheeler

28900 AMD

Photographic Theory: An Historical Anthology

Andrew Hershberger

23400 AMD

Postcolonial Studies

Pramod Nayar

22800 AMD
5000 AMD

Art in Theory 1900-2000

Charles Harrison, Paul Wood

21800 AMD
5000 AMD

Introduction to Cities

Xiangming Chen, Anthony M. Orum, Krista E. Paulsen

21200 AMD

Eyes of the Skin

Juhani Pallasmaa

20800 AMD

The Philosophy of Art

Stephen Davis, Philip Alperson

20600 AMD
5000 AMD

Introduction to Architectural Theory

Harry Francis Mallgrave, David Goodman

20200 AMD

Cities After Socialism

Gregory Andrusz, Michael Harloe, Ivan Szelenyi

19500 AMD

Brief History of Western Philosophy

Anthony Kenny

18900 AMD

History of American Poetry

Richard Gray

18900 AMD

Data Driven Business Transformation

Peter Jackson, Caroline Carruthers

17900 AMD

The Literary Theory Handbook

Gregory Castle

17400 AMD
3000 AMD


Brian Solis

17300 AMD

Ai For Marketing And Product Innovation

A. K. Pradeep, Andrew Appel, Stan Sthanunathan

16500 AMD

Marketing 3.0

Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan

14300 AMD

Power of Positive Leadership

Jon Gordon

14200 AMD

Scaling Leadership

William Adams, Robert Anderson

14300 AMD