
Бизнес в стиле Romantic

Tim Leberecht

5400 AMD


Andrea Coville

5100 AMD

Инкубатор Twitter

Nick Bilton

6100 AMD

The Unpublished

David Ogilvy

6700 AMD

The Infinite Game

Simon Sinek

10500 AMD

Lead, Speak, Inspire

Bert Martin Ohnemьller

12000 AMD

Lords of Finance

Liaquat Ahamed

7400 AMD

The Lean Startup

Eric Ries

10500 AMD

Designing Brand Identity

Alina Wheeler

28900 AMD

Data Driven Business Transformation

Peter Jackson, Caroline Carruthers

17900 AMD

Ai For Marketing And Product Innovation

A. K. Pradeep, Andrew Appel, Stan Sthanunathan

16500 AMD

Marketing 3.0

Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan

14300 AMD

Power of Positive Leadership

Jon Gordon

14200 AMD