
Armenia, Azerbaidjan and Turkey

Publishing house - Zangak

Armenia, Azerbaidjan and Turkey

Publishing house - Zangak
10000 AMD
Rouben Galichian is a researcher of the cartography and cultural history of the region of the South Caucasus, with a particular focus on the Republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey Armenia, as a Christian Country, has been a thorn wedged between Its two Turkic neighbours, the Republics of Azerbaijan and Turkey. This geographic fact has been the cause of many cultural, political and ethnographic problems arising from at Following the aims of creating a Pan-Turkic belt of countries stretching from Europe to Central Asia, efforts were made by the Ottoman Turkey to eliminate the presence of Christian Armenians from the region. After independence the authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan have taken this policy to the extreme. These policies have given rise to call the Armenians as newcomers in their historic homeland, where they have lived for over two and half millennia. Every efforts has been made to either appropriate or to demolish Armenian historical monuments. False claims and theories have caused many historical and cultural paradoxes, some of which are addressed in this volume. To this end all the materials used have been mainly taken from non-Armenian sources.
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